Sunday, August 24, 2008

Vitamin C

I'm praying tonight that Ashley's infusion of Vitamin C is a success. Creator, you know every cell in our bodies; I pray that every cell in Ashley's body will respond in a way that will bring healing. We claim a miracle that will be written up in journals and pave the way for more healing and advances in the treatment of cancer. I pray that Ashley will be able to relax and let our love support her and bring her comfort.

God, thank you for the teachers, counselors, administrators and staff that have worked hard to prepare for the first day of school tomorrow. Bless Sunny, and all the children in our community who are starting school. May 6th grade be the best yet for Sunny. Keep her challenged and nurtured and help her to continue being the beautiful, positive, justice-loving child that she is. Protect her from the stupidity of middle school and help her enjoy the fun and wonderful opportunities she'll have. Give Ashley, Al and Sunny a restful night. Amen.

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