Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's taken more than an hour to log back on to this blog. Technically impaired as I am, I kept trying to call Cristobal to help me figure it out. I stopped, took a deep breath, and decided I would sit here and try everything I knew and start over each time it failed. I think I finally posted Ashley's note after 9 tries. So, this morning, I thank God for my stubborness, which sometimes helps me overcome my limitations. I know it's annoying, and I ask Ash to forgive me for displaying it so often in trying to be helpful. I pray God will help me know when to be stubborn.

God, creator and friend, thanks for Ash and her extended circle of friends. Bless her today and help her deal with loosing her beautiful new curls. Give her new curls after her chemo is done.
Today, please shrink the tumors some more. Please heal her body enable it to fight the cancer.
If we are going to get rain, make it a refreshing one that blesses Ashley's soul. Thank you for rain and for clean water. Amen

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