Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Good Morning Ashley!

Well this is my first post to the blog and I hope everyone, and Ashley especially, is having a good morning. What makes me happiest when I get up is the garden, so I'll write about that. We took our lab Murray for a walk through Trinity Park this morning and visited with all the other neighborhood doggies that we see on our romps. It's been a nice cool morning and the grass was still wet from the overnight dew.

I was thinking about Ashley this morning while I picked tomatoes--know how much you and Sunny love garden 'maters. We have a volunteer squash that came out of the compost pile and I still haven't identified. It's not something we've planted ever before. The squash are pale green with white stripes and they taste like butter, so tasty!! There's nothing better than garden surprises. The vines are over 20 feet long now and we're trying to teach them to share and play nice with everything else in the beds. Ashley, I hope you have a chance to look at all the pretty summer flowers blooming around town today. Enjoy the day, we're thinking about you with lots of love.

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