Friday, September 19, 2008

Apology Accepted

I called Ashley today to apologize for not keeping this blog updated. She said "apology not necessary." After visiting her on Wednesday and making arrangements for the delivery, via Mayi, of a new (and hopefully comfortable) hat specially made for her by Christie Minchew (, I went home to try to stop a headache from developing into a full-blown migrane. I failed. Only a couple of hours ago I started to feel normal again. I was so excited to be able to turn on the light in my office and actually get some work done, that I stayed way past quitting time. Two of my students, Victor and Kerwin, waited for me to make sure I got to my car safely.They had been in the Multicultural Center for the first meeting of our Hispanic soccer team and then sat and played chess until I was ready to leave. I wondered why they were worrying about me so much, when I remembered they were two of the guys who changed my tire last friday. Today they carried my basket and computer to the car and told me to drive carefully. "Nos vemos manana, maestra." [See you tomorrow, teacher] It was a wonderful feeling of being valued. I wanted to tell thank them for just being two wonderful students and letting me be a part of their amazing lives. Two young immigrants who have faced oppressive circumstances and are sweet, kind, caring and very funny. Plus they are honors students.

I'm not sure how all this relates to Ashley's healing, but it has brought healing to me, so I'm sharing it. I'm just glad to have a job and have wonderful students to work for and with. And to be migrane free right now. And I guess that's what I wish for Ashley. To be cancer-free and pain-free and stand amazed at how wonderful it is to be valued and cared for in small but important ways.

Thank you, God, for the beautiful Carolina sky. It has been an amazing day, even if the headache didn't let me stand in the sunshine and soak it in this morning. Thank you that this weekend we celebrate the UN International Day of Peace. I pray for peace in our schools and universities. I pray for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Darfur and in Bolivia. I pray for peace for the victims of war and of natural disasters. I pray for peace in our homes.
Help me to work for peace and not to dispair when progress is so hard to see.

Tonight, I ask for peace for Ashley. Grant her faith to believe in her healing and faith to believe in our love and our prayers. Remind her that miracles are always undeserved and that there is nothing she can or needs to do to earn the right to be healed. God, could we ever be good enough for all we have already received? Help us just rejoice in the totally underserved beauty of today and in the love of those around us. Bless and heal Ashley. I ask today in the name of your Son Jesus, healer, and prince of peace. Amen.

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